I’m Simona, a software developer with a big love for skincare, fashion, and creating books. One of my favorite things in the world is listening to the sound of the sea/ocean waves.
I started my skincare journey in a serious manner, only in my adult life as I started to get hormonal adult acne. As I began to read more and more into it, I was amazed at how fascinating this is. You can do so much for your skin, but I did so little until a few years ago.
I started this blog to share with you all the skincare knowledge that I gathered, all the little tips and tricks, and also to share with you the products that I tested and my opinion on them.
I will also present here some of the low-content books and medium-content books that I have created for children and adults. Hope you enjoy them :).
The meaning of the blog name “Diligent smart beauty” comes from the understanding that beauty is not only something you are born with, it is also something that you can gain. You can gain your beauty by having glowing and amazing skin and body, which can be the product of a lot of hard work(you always use sunscreen, you properly cleanse your skin even when you are dead tired, you do pilates, Zumba, whatever exercise you are doing to keep yourself in shape, etc) – thus the name diligent, but also by being smart and knowing what products does your skin needs, reading the label of products always to know what you are putting on your skin or learning how to dress for your body type. You can also be smart beauty, being intelligent, and reading and doing your research. Whatever you choose you’ll always have to be diligent in order to succeed. You have to put up the work upfront in order to get results. And that’s what I am trying to do here.
Come and join me on my journey, while I find more and more about skincare and style, all things beauty related, and create more books that hopefully you’ll enjoy and share it with you all here.